Thursday, August 18, 2011

Love: What Has Been, Is, And Always Will Be.

       When thinking about time and history, one thing that hasn't really changed over time is love. Sure, it may seem different during these times of instant communication, lack of emotional expression, self centered dynamics, impersonal relationships, and technology. With such a fast paced life we must live in, how can we stop to love properly? Okay, before I go on, if you think I am just going to talk about romantic love, you are mistaken. I am talking about the love a parent has for his/her child, the love within our families, the love siblings have for each other, and the love which holds friendships.
        Lately I have been thinking about the short time each and every one of us has on this earth. Don't worry, I won't get all Edgar Allen Poe or Sylvia Plath on you. But death is a harsh reality we all must face, whether it be ourselves personally, or watching the ones we love part from this world and our lives. Every human being must come to the realization that we will have to forcefully part with our loved ones and separate our earthly bonds. So, before this day and rather than spending hours lying in bed at night thinking about such tragedies, why not actually mend or strengthen the relationships we have while they are tangible?
        Between cell phone texts and face book chats, we are always in contact with the ones we love. However, because we are so used to speaking with each other 24/7, we take for granted fully appreciating them. We just always expect to see them or hear from them the next day via one of our communication tools. We can listen to a friend complain about her boyfriend on the phone while talking to that cute guy in English class on face book chat, during our favorite reality series, and at the same time, half listen to our mothers talk about something that frankly, we could give two shits about. But are we really paying attention? Are we fully appreciating these people? Or, are we just filling spaces, voids. Killing time, or trying to talk to everyone at once to we don't have to actually "talk" with them? I think the second scenarios are true for our modern society.
   Here is what I propose: Put down your cell phones and take your little sister out to the mall or to lunch. Spend some quality time with her. Don't just say you love someone and walk away. In fact, say it often but show it more. Sure, you fight with the ones you love and say really harsh things to one another, thing you don't mean but words that can never be taken back. For some reason, it is so easy for our hearts to fill with rage and our tongues to utter words of hatred than it is to praise someone and pour out our hearts and tell them how we really feel. The partial reason is we are also a closed off society. We do not feel the need to open up to one another because that would make us feel weak and seem vulnerable huh? Who cares anymore. It's time people to express what has been since time began: love. Yea, this is corny but when it's too late, really it it too late. Don't wait for the person to be sick and dying before you tell them and show that person how you feel. Life goes by too fast and before you know it, you are looking at a man sitting in his chair who can barely walk anymore, let alone think properly. You know his time is ticking and you look at this man and think, my God, that will be my mom or dad one day, even me. Then you go to the funeral of a deceased loved one and you see angry mourners there because they didn't get to know the person or they feel guilty or maybe even hate the person still. If this doesn't make sense to you, just think of it this way. Life is too short and too precious to waste on not loving someone, especially the ones God has blessed you with. The ones who will love you endearingly. These people will love you no matter how you act and honestly, that is a gift from heaven.
      Remember, love has no limits and it is not bi-polar. It always lasts and when you love the right way, you will know it and be happier for it. So don't wait until it is too late and you are kicking yourself in the ass for not expressing what you should have. Love will find it's way out of you if you let it. Until next time guys, peace out! <3

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